The year is 2036, you are getting ready to leave the house and decide you want to wear your new pair of FUSED sneakers. You have a few options to choose from. You can go with the thick laced Kodo that’s been battle tested on all terrains for years or you can go with the sleek yet bold Gaiba, a tabi style with a stealthy silhouette.

For the last year or so I’ve been wearing one of two different pairs of FUSED Footwear, fully 3D printed shoes that I purchased in the years 2020 and 2021. I currently have worn two versions of the Kodo sneaker.

It’s a challenge to describe the experience of something like this. 3D-Printed footwear requires a different model or pace to consider. Since it’s made to order, not mass-produced, updates can happen way more incrementally than with traditional manufacturing.The designs aren’t limited to yearly re-visits of the same base shoe. 

With FUSED, designs are continuously evolving, taking in feedback and Designs become versions, reflecting the experimental nature these new materials provide.

The first version I purchased and received in Summer of 2020, the eye catching cord rope laces that come in an option series of red, black and white are striking and dynamic. They have invited conversation everywhere I go and within the two years that I’ve had them, they’ve survived everything I can throw at them from extreme rainstorms to blistering heat to jogs in mud and snow. These futuristic-minded sneakers have proven themselves rugged and tough time and time again. The soles still feel like a cushion under my feet, keeping me balanced and in motion. 

The updated Kodo sneaker raises the durability of the sneaker to an even higher level with a double shell layer guaranteeing an increased level of sturdiness and a powerful base to walk from.

The almost serrated sole of the shoe can handle concrete and asphalt surfaces without fear of erosion or wearing away the soles of the sneaker. The Kodo is built to provide style and durability that can withstand extreme weather.


Hip hop Artist Master Holy seen wearing FUSED Footwear’s Kodo model in rainy weather.

FUSED footwear was started in the middle of 2017 by Philippe Holthuizen. A previous start-up had given him some hands-on experience with 3D printing, and Philippe realized the potential for 3D printing complete shoes. He gave himself three months to explore the possibilities.

It is estimated that the 3D-printed footwear market will grow by USD 1.62 billion from 2021-2026. According to the report by Technavio, market growth momentum will accelerate at 19.86% CAGR during the forecast period.



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Joygill Moriah