The Sixth Conference on AI Music Creativity


The Conference on AI Music Creativity is an annual conference bringing together a community working on the application of AI in music practice. The AI music community is a highly interdisciplinary community with a background in diverse fields of research and practice. This makes the AIMC exciting with topics ranging from performance systems, Computational Creativity, machine listening, robotics, sonification, and more.

This year the conference is held at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, in Belgium.

With great pleasure we announce the 2025 edition of the AI Music Creativity conference.

Here is the AIMC 2025 Website:

This edition will be held in Brussels, Belgium, from the 10th to 12th of September 2025.

The AIMC 2025 theme, “The Artist in The Loop”, aims to capture the myriad ways creative artists might modify, steer, train, or control AI systems, or equally to be modified, steered, trained or controlled by them. It invites innovation and analysis of the many forms of feedback loop and the many touchpoints between creators and AI systems across timescales and human scales: the immediacy of live performance and creation; the nurturing of styles and techniques; the formation of genres, software products, and corporations.

The formal call for papers is expected to open mid November, and further announcements will follow. We will accept papers, music, tutorials and workshop proposals related to the theme of the conference and to the areas of interest of AIMC at large.

Important dates:

  • 4th April 2025: Abstract submission deadline
  • 11th April 2025: Paper, Music, Tutorial submission deadline
  • 30th May 2025: Decisions and notifications to authors
  • 10-12th September 2025: Conference

Further information will be communicated once the call opens. In the meantime, you may contact the organizing committee for further information at

Filippo Carnovalini, Geraint A. Wiggins – AIMC 2025 Conference chairs

=-=-=- Read/Watch previous AIMC talks/concerts =-=-=-=-

As always, the proceedings of the AIMC conference and its constitutive workshops are available at, along with a special issue of the Journal of Creative Music Systems (JCMS), gathering extended versions of selected papers from the 1st conference on AI Music Creativity:

=-=-=-= Join the Music AI community =-=-=-

Finally, for communication and to update us on your activity, join our AIMC Community Group:

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