Computer Music Day 2025


Each year, the Journées d’Informatique Musicale bring together researchers, developers and various players in the musical world who use IT as a tool for dissemination, creation, interpretation or teaching. The JIM are managed by the Association Francophone d’Informatique Musicale (AFIM) and are supported by the General Directorate of Artistic Creation of the French Ministry of Culture. This edition, from June 23 to 25, 2025, will take place at INSA Lyon under the aegis of Inria and GRAME – National Center for Musical Creation .


  • March 24, 2025: Article submission deadline
  • April 18, 2025: Deadline for submission of assessments by the scientific committee
  • April 25, 2025: Notification of Acceptance
  • May 23, 2025: Deadline for submission of final versions

Call for contributions

Themes 2025

In addition to the themes that have been renewed, this edition will focus on the following themes:

Computer music and frugality

Frugal music computing is about designing and using digital tools for music creation in a resource-efficient way, thereby reducing the ecological footprint of music technologies. It promotes the use of lightweight software, the adoption of open source solutions, sustainable hardware, the reuse of existing objects, and performance optimization to avoid overconsumption of energy, while minimizing the “rebound effect”, when efficiency gains can lead to an increase in usage. JIMs 2025 invites the community to take up this theme that is emerging more broadly around the impact of digital technology in society, and solicits contributions in this area.

Embedded systems and computer music

Embedded systems now play a leading role in the various fields related to computer music. They are found in control interfaces, in digital musical instruments to perform signal processing tasks, in sound synthesis modules, etc. JIMs 2025 will focus on these technologies and invite new contributions in this field.

AI, co-creativity and computer music

The growing presence of informed systems in sound creation practices raises questions that cross many of the usual themes of JIMs. AI opens up spaces for musical and technological exploration that this edition wishes to highlight. The JIMs 2025 invite us to reflect on these technologies in all their diversity, and to propose contributions exploring their uses, implications and potential for computer music.

Renewed Themes

  • Computer systems
    • Real-time systems and protocols for computer music
    • Free software for sound analysis, synthesis, processing and music creation
    • New strategies for data sonification
    • Programming languages ​​for sound synthesis and processing
  • Signal processing
    • Algorithms for sound synthesis and processing
    • Hardware devices for sound processing
    • Algorithms and interfaces for sound spatialization
  • Computer-aided design
    • Environments and languages ​​to support musical composition
    • Computer-assisted orchestration
    • Systems for music creation, from microstructure to macroform
    • Automatic composition and arrangement systems
    • Computer tools for spatialization and sound diffusion
  • Interpretation, performing arts and technology
    • Software and hardware interfaces for musical interpretation and performance
    • Hardware and software devices for interactive parts
    • Modeling and simulation of musical interpretation
    • Capture and digital extension of the instrumental gesture
    • Gesture, virtuosity and new media
    • New interfaces, new game modes
  • Musical notation
    • Optical sheet music recognition software
    • Systems for music editing and publishing
    • Music Notation and Visualization
    • Interactive scores
  • Historical aspects and preservation
    • History and sociological aspects of computer music
    • Definition/redefinition of the role of the computer music producer (RIM)
    • Standardization, archiving and transmission of musical information
    • Portage and recreation of mixed and interactive works
    • Preservation of works using digital technologies
    • Activity reports of musical research centers
  • Computational musicology
    • Formalization and representation of musical structures
    • Computational approaches to musical analysis
    • Formalization and modeling of musical knowledge
    • Modeling and simulation of sound and musical perception
    • Tools to help with musical analysis
    • Acoustic signal analysis and processing systems
    • Automatic recognition and extraction of musical parameters
    • Analysis and representation of the instrumental gesture

Application details:

Articles can be written in French or English, between 4 and 10 pages. For articles in English, a summary in French is mandatory. Communications will give rise to oral presentations.

Articles will be submitted in PDF format. The layout should be done using the Word or LaTeX templates available at the following links:

The articles will be submitted online on the JIM 2025 submission platform:

“Young Researcher” Prize:

Proposals from young researchers (PhD students, young PhDs and independent researchers) are particularly welcome. An AFIM “Young Researcher” Prize will be awarded to the best article presented by a young researcher to encourage them in their research.


steering Committee

Name Role
Romain MICHON General Chair
Paul GOUTMANN Paper Chair
Stephane LETZ Music Chair

Other members of the organizing committee:

Jean-Cyrille BURDET // Pierre COCHARD // Yann ORLAREY // Tanguy RISSET

JIM Steering Committee

Daniel ARFIB // Gérard ASSAYAG // Alain BONARDI // Marc CHEMILLER // Myriam DESAINTE-CATHERINE // Dominique FOBER // Mikhail MALT // Yann ORLAREY // François PACHET // Laurent POTTIER // Julien RABIN // Jean-Michel RACZINSKI // Anne SEDES

Previous editions

Registration fees and practical information

Information regarding registration fees and how to get to the conference is shared between JIM and LAC and can be found in the Register and Travel tabs of this site respectively.

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